These nine videos will get you started with the Arduino and Electronics:
It may take a bit to load this page depending on your bandwidth due to the YouTube links. You can access the videos directly on the makecourse YouTube channel where we maintain an eeawesome playlist. The Arduino sketches used in the videos are posted below each video (if applicable). You will need to un-zip the files and put the complete folders into your Arduino 'sketchbook' (the location of the sketchbook is in the 'preferences' of the Arduino software). Then restart the Arduino software (this will make the newly added sketches show up within the Arduino environment). The Arduino software can be downloaded here. Watch Video 1 below if you need help installing the software. Get your hardware and start playing!
Learn how to use the multimeter and some basics about electronic circuits:
More Videos: Learn to program with the Arduino
We are currently creating a series of videos that introduce to C++ programming. The videos are listed on These videos use a hands-on tutorial approach with the Arduino to demonstrate and teach basic programming skills. As usual, all Arduino sketches used in the videos are posted below each video.
If you are new to programming, these videos are for you! Just fire up your Arduino and do it!
If you are new to programming, these videos are for you! Just fire up your Arduino and do it!